"This my intro my group but its worth sharing my blog I fell because people with CP fells like they know everything about CP when the true is we may live with CP but we aren't born with a doctorate. Listen to others and respect within are community,  be open minded with each other because if we are not opened minded within our community how do we expect people out side out community us"

Hi, welcome to CEREBRAL PALSY MADE FOR ADULTS_WOWCP. This group is for the every adult person with CEREBRAL PALSY. While this group has been formed for the last three years under different names, I use this group the past few years to understand myself and others with CEREBRAL PALSY.
Know that I’m at a point in my life that I understand more of who I’m as an adult with CEREBRAL PALSY. I feel like I can really get down to what I truly what to accomplish what I would like to leave on the CEREBRAL PALSY COMMUITY.
 I don’t claim to know everything in the CEREBRAL PALSY COMMUITY but I will challenge those people that think there right because let’s face we all have CEREBRAL PALSY. We all have lived with CEREBRAL PALSY. We have pages, groups, blogs, ect   about CEREBRAL PALSY, so we all think we are know it all’s on CEREBRAL PALSY. When, the fact we are DOCTORS, we most likely never went to MEDICAL SCHOOL for this. We blog because we want to get the word out about CEREBRAL PALSY, we also do this so we can talk and socialize with people around the globe that have the same daily struggles as us.
If you are coming in CEREBRAL PALSY MADE FOR ADULTS_WOWCP. Know you have to be willing to be open; you have to be willing to be criticized and debated on what you or anyone else post or comment on. Have an open mind because without an open mind how you are willing to learn and be accepted by other outside our community if we can’t accept inside our community.
Thank know let’s have some fun, share stories, ideas, open up people minds, open up your mind, So people outside out community can open up their minds for us.


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